“How should we respond to aggression and terrorism?”
Answer: Who precisely is the
“we”? Our particular faith tradition, the government, the human race,
the United Nations, the individual? Actually, the question can refer
either to the individual or the collective. Ideally, the root causes of
aggression and terrorism should be removed. But our “response” must
distinguish between just punishment, which is the duty of the community
both to prevent and to deter future crimes, and vengeance, which is not
‘Abdu’l-Bahá (1844-1921), the son of the Prophet-Founder Bahá’u’lláh
(1817-1892), and the authorized interpreter of his teachings, says,
“vengeance appeases the anger of the heart by opposing one evil to
another” (Some Answered Questions, p. 268). Vengeance only perpetuates
a cycle of violence. Instead, higher forms of spirituality counsel
returning good for evil.
If all crimes were forgiven, the security and stability of the
community and order of the world would be radically upset.
Tyrants would thrive and destroy the innocent. “The continuance of
mankind depends upon justice and not upon forgiveness” (Some Answered
Questions, p. 269).
Regarding nation-states, Bahá’u’lláh counselled in the 19th century
that they should observe the principle of “collective security”: “Be
united, O kings of the earth, for thereby will the tempest of discord
be stilled amongst you, and your peoples find rest, if ye be of them
that comprehend. Should any one among you take up arms against another,
rise ye all against him, for this is naught but manifest justice”
(Gleanings, p. 254).
The United Nations is supposed to fulfill this function, but
it requires urgent reform of the Security Council in order
for collective security to work effectively. Bahá’u’lláh also
counselled that any disputes be submitted for final arbitration to a
supreme international tribunal. Of course, such recommendations will
prove effective only if unbridled nationalism were subordinated to the
international authority.
Terrorism has no quick fixes and the solution will have to be
multi-generational. Terrorism and all forms of violence must be
condemned and punished; love and tolerance must be taught and
exemplified; interfaith dialogue and cooperation accelerated; education
extended to women and children in the developing world; curriculums
reformed to answer societal needs. Solutions can no longer be ignored.