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![]() Big Ideas
is a series of talks addressing
some of
humanitys shared challenges and opportunities as we work to advance an
emerging global civilization. This series brings together perspectives
from the Bahá'í writings with current research and experience as well
as contemporary discourses on key issues of our time.
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December 13, 2024, 7:30 EST
The Assumptions Guiding Humanity: Lessons Learned from the Summit of the Future with Daniel Perell If you were informed that world leaders were going to gather to discuss the future of humanity at a gathering know as “The Summit for Humanity” what would you hope it would achieve? In this talk, Dan will offer a few reflections on what took place at the United Nations in September 2024, placing the diplomatic efforts within the context of the trajectory of humanity. He will discuss what the current UN model can achieve, how reform of that model is understood, and where new understandings of global governance might offer a great opportunity for human flourishing.
November 8 2024, 7:30 EDT
Challenging Extreme Wealth: Limitarianism in conversation with Bahá’í Principles on Economic Justice with Shamim and Arian Taherzadeh Global wealth inequality has reached unprecedented levels, with the richest 1% controlling nearly half of the world’s wealth while billions live in poverty. While much attention is given to alleviating poverty, the ethical implications of extreme wealth accumulation remain underexplored. Increasingly, economists and philosophers are questioning whether there should be limits to individual and corporate wealth and whether society has a responsibility to curtail excessive wealth. This presentation examines the work of Dr. Ingrid Robeyns, an economist and philosopher who advocates for the principle of ‘Limitarianism’—the idea that extreme wealth undermines social equality, distorts democracy, and exacerbates environmental crises. In parallel, we will explore the Bahá’í perspective, which offers a spiritual framework for understanding wealth. Bahá’í teachings emphasize the need to balance material and spiritual well-being and propose practical solutions such as the law of Ḥuqúqu’lláh and the elimination of extremes of wealth and poverty to ensure more equitable prosperity. By engaging with both economic and spiritual viewpoints, this presentation seeks to deepen our understanding of the ethical challenges surrounding extreme wealth and inequality, and to explore possible remedies rooted in principles of justice and fairness, as articulated in the Bahá’í Writings.
Oct. 4 2024, 7:30 EDT
TRANSFORMING FOOD SYSTEMS: FROM IDEAS TO ACTION ('ABDU'L-BAHA'S FARMING COMMUNITY) with Paul Hanley Food systems are a central concern in contemporary discourse on environmental issues, climate, Indigenous sovereignty, and economic justice. In 2019, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization identified a set of principles and best practices to achieve just and sustainable food and agricultural systems. Remarkably, all these practices had been put in place over 100 years ago in the Bahá'í village of 'Adasíyyih, which became a model farming community in Jordan. This presentation will show how discourse and social action inaugurated by the Báb, Bahá'u'lláh, and 'Abdu'l-Bahá guided individuals, communities, and institutions in several countries to make pioneering contributions to regenerative agriculture and progressive rural development.
June 14, 2024, 7:30 EDT
Experience, Knowledge and Reality with Gerald Filson In this presentation, Dr. Filson presents three main ideas. First, how we experience the world, by way of emotion and imagination, which is often very different than how we know the world in its relationship to causes and reason. This is a way to understand religion as complementary to science. As Frank Myhill, a mathematician, noted, “there is no non-poetical description of reality,” as the Revelation, full as it is of metaphors, is how we understand our experiences in life. Second, he cites a British philosopher who said that we don’t yet have an adequate philosophical psychology that properly deals with human action. Contemporary philosophy understands human action by intentionality though we often enter into action by way of inclination that this or that action would be enjoyable. Then we find, as Aristotle noted, that we continually refine our actions that involve conversations, coordination with others, and friendships. Aristotle wrote “excellencies we get by first exercising them… For the things we have to learn before we can do, we learn by doing.” This summarizes how the Baha’is are learning many things anew like home visits, elevated conversations, coordinating actions with others that requires learning about life experiences. Third, he jumps to an influential Muslim philosopher, Avicenna’s proof of God’s existence, which both Baha’u’llah and ‘Abdu’l-Baha confirm. He emphasize concepts that are, as Avicenna noted, “impressed in the soul in a primary way.”
May 10, 7:30 EDT
“Education for the Future: Integrating Subjects and the Arts” with Heather Cardin This presentation traces a thirty year experiment in education, shifting from educator-as-knowledge-giver to educator-as-facilitator, through the use of the arts, of student self-initiators. It is premised on Baha’u’llah’s statement, “Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.” The educator, as such, discovers methods which assist students to discover their own “gems” as greater than the specific curriculum, and as applicable to almost any subject. What knowledge will benefit mankind, and how can each individual elicit this?
April 26, 2024, 7:30 pm
"Spiritual Dimensions of Conflict Resolution” with Cheshmak Farhoumand-Sims Drawing on faith-inspired frameworks, and particularly the Bahá'í writings, this presentation seeks to explore peacebuilding and conflict resolution through a spiritual lens by reflecting on the idea that all the major problems of the world, including war, are merely outer symptoms of deeper problems going on in people’s hearts due to their disconnect from their spiritual nature. According to this view, we will never be able to solve these issues in any meaningful way as long as we don’t give due attention to our own spiritual nature. As we have seen, no amount of legislation, administration and policymaking can change the heart. It is therefore through spiritual transformation and insights that deep rooted shifts in our relationship to one another and to nature can take place, and solutions to the world’s ills found and applied.
Jan. 12, 2024, 7:30 EST
"The utmost loving-kindness": A Bahá'í view of the treatment of animals With Michael Sabet The question of the proper relationship between humans and animals can easily fall into “the all too common tendencies . . . to delineate sharp dichotomies . . . and engage in intractable debate that obstructs the search for viable solutions” (Universal House of Justice, 29 November 2017 letter on climate change). The Bahá’í Writings transcend the dichotomy between domination-themed narratives that assign purely instrumental value to the natural world, and materialistic narratives that deny any unique status for the human. This presentation will explore certain relational principles in the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá that can guide our contributions to discourses dealing with animals and the natural world.
December 8, 2023, 7:30 EST
Speak with a kindly tongue: On-line engagement, social media and youth With Dr. Victoria Talwar The digital sphere is one that we all increasingly engage in. For children and youth, who are digital natives, it is a significant part of their lives and social engagement. Beyond learning how to interact with peers face-to-face, youth need to learn how to interact on-line. Furthermore, there are perils attached with on-line engagement including cyberbullying and others who may seek to harm. What are the principles that we can use to guide our youth (and ourselves) when engaging in the digital sphere?
November 1, 2023, 7:30 EDT
Towards Climate Justice: The Historical Initiative of Small Island Nations to Hold Major Polluters Accountable for Global Warming Before International Courts and Tribunals With Payam Akhavan Small island states are facing threats to their existence and some may even disappear because of sea level rise if the major polluters don't change course. This presentation will explore legal efforts to fight this injustice. More information: COSIS historic hearing at ITLOS: SIDS' quest for climate jus- tice - YouTube
Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m. EST
"The Spectrum of Addiction: An exploration of the nature of addiction” With Dr. Louis Soucy
September 15, 2023, 7:30 EDT
Spirituality, Religion & Secularity: Why We Need All Three" with Harold Rosen Since our worldviews vary widely, often leading tostagnation or conflict, Harold suggests we take a broader look at our worldviews. Perhaps we think of ourselves as 'Spiritual', 'Religious', 'Secular', or a combination of these. What do these orientations mean and how are they related? How can we develop more constructive outlooks on our societal and planetary challenges? Harold will help us explore Bahá'í and Global perspectives, searching for more integrative and progressive worldviews.
May 12, 2023, 7:30 EDT
Luminous Tones: The Power of Sacred Sound and Chant; With Nancy Watters How can we draw closer to our Creator and drink deeply from the well of Divine Grace at every devotional gathering? How can we enter realms of spirit which cannot be described in words or expressed in symbols?” How can we overcome our shyness about lifting our voices and singing the blissful anthems of the spirit?” In this presentation Nancy Kaasei” Watters will discuss how communal devotional singing can transform individuals, communities, and whole societies. Shell reveal how she overcame her fear of singing in front of people, and how you can too. She will give a mini concert using Alchemy™ crystal singing bowls, overtone singing and drumming. Shell demonstrate how Sound [is] the most powerful magic for enabling us to live extraordinary lives filled with peace, passion, health and a sense of unity with the universe.” [Oncologist Mitchell L. Gaynor]
March 10, 2023, 7:30 EDT
"Moving past MAD: A Bahá'í Perspective on Multiparty Adversarial Democracy" with Michael Sabet Multiparty Adversarial Democracy (MAD), the prevalent form of democracy in the modern world, is proving to be an inadequate model for political institutions grappling with humanitys ever-complexifying challenges. This presentation focuses on two of MADs premises the non-perfectibility of the human being, and the untrustworthiness of institutions that inhibit the development of a culture of deliberation and rich democratic engagement. The presentation then explores two alternatives to MAD. First, Gandhian swaraj suggests how a vision of the human being as spiritually perfectible can ground a very different conception of politics. Second, the practice of the Bahá'í community demonstrates how, in practical terms, such a vision can ground an institutional system that is culturally and procedurally richly democratic.
Jan. 27, 2023, 7:30 EST
Artificial Intelligence and Ethics” With Julian Lebensold Given that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere we look these days, this talk will explore the following: Part 1: What is Artificial Intelligence? How does it work? What may be the future of AI? Part 2: What are some ethical challenges inherent in AI? We will explore bias in algorithms; privacy concerns; use of AI for harmful purposes; safety and security; and its impact on society. Part 3: How can we address those challenges? How do we apply ethics to AI?
Dec, 9, 2022, 7:30 EST
Food, Farmer, and Community: Agriculture and the Reconstruction of the World” With Neil Macmillan In His Tablet of the World revealed after the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, Bahá'u'lláh describes five fundamental principles;conducive to the advancement of mankind and the reconstruction of the world: the promotion of the Lesser Peace by the members of the House of Justice; the reduction of languages to one com-mon language to be taught in all the schools of the world; tenacious adhesion to that which will promote fellowship, kindliness and unity; material contributions for the training and education of children and, lastly, a special regard for agriculture. However, amazingly, Bahá'u'lláh then goes on to say that although [agriculture] has been mentioned in the fifth place, unquestionably it exceeds the others. This presentation explores this special regard for agriculture; in terms of the past, the present and the future. The title comes from a new book compiled by Winnona Merritt, a member of the Association for Bahá'í Studies agriculture working group. Prepare to enjoy a few quizzes as part of this interactive presentation.
November 4, 2022, 7:30 EDT
"What we can learn from Islam" with Dr. Todd Lawson
Oct. 14, 2022, 7:30 EDT
What type of education will help us build a global civilization? With Dr. Thomas Ponniah Over the past six years we have watched far-right, anti-globalist, political parties and leaders become mainstream conservative leaders. There are numerous political and economic policies and approaches for confronting the current form of anti-globalism but in this presentation Dr. Ponniah will discuss how education can move individuals and society towards a more inclusive planetary vision. He will compare the classical conception of education with the current one and propose a third possibility that is more in line with Bahá'í principles.
September 9, 2022, 7:30pm EST
NINETEEN TOUR An Inspirational Musical Book Tour: 19 Insights learned from a 19 year old with cancer with Author Adam Robarts & Muscian Luke Slott
May 27, 2022, 7:30 EDT
Climate Change, Net Zero and the Great Transition:Finding Hope and Taking Action with Diana Cartwright The Bahá'í teachings point to revolutionary change in how the world is organized. Climate change experts and activists insist radical changes are needed in our economic and political structures and our way of life as Naomi Klein suggests, the climate emergency changes everything." How [can] a growing, rapidly developing, and not yet united global population, in a just manner, live in harmony with the planet and its limited resources?" (Bahá'í World Centre 29 Nov. 2022). Diana re-sponds: "There are all sorts of interwoven aspects to this problem, and therefore there are many solutions, from the economic to the social to the spiritual. Religion/spirituality, can provide the desire to create change, both at the level of our own behaviour and of the desire to reconstruct our society. It can shed light on the es-sential interconnectedness of all things. Scientific understanding of climate change is demonstrating the Bahá'í conviction that 'the earth is one country' and we all are its citizens." In fact, the Bahá'í teachings and the grassroots development of the global Bahá'í community have much to offer in this crisis, whether on the level of principle or of practice. Diana will share ideas and invite discussion: How can we maintain hope, avoid finger-pointing and make a use-ful contribution to environmental betterment? What role can spiritual wisdom and communities play in the climate crisis?
May 13, 2022, 7:30pm EST
Making the Film 'Abdul-Bahá in France with Anne & Tim Perry 'Abdul-Bahá, the son of the Founder of the Bahá'í Faith,Bahá'u'lláh, was freed from decades of exile and imprisonment in 1909. Between 1911 and 1913 he visited Switzerland, England, Scotland, France, United States, Canada, Germany and Hungary, spending the longest period of his time in Europe in Paris. Everywhere he went, he brought a message of universal peace, the unity of East and West, racial harmony, and gender equality. Filmmakers Anne and Tim Perry have spent the last few years working on ‘Abdul-Bahá in France, using engaging documentary storytelling to bring to light a little-known chapter of French history. For our presentation, theyll share the process of making the film and show a few clips.
April 15, 2022, 7:30pm EST
The Journey of the Soul with Jack McLean The Bahá'í Faith defines the reality of the human being as its immortal soul. As based on the Bahá'í sacred writings, this talk will explore the spiritual and metaphysical reality of the soul, how the development of the soul takes place while we make our earthly pilgrimage, its relationship to the body, and the promises that are given to believers about the nature of the soul after death in the worlds beyond.
April 1, 2022, 7:30pm EST
Building Community Services - Health and Education from the grassroots in Rwanda” with Chris Anderson Chris Anderson first went to Africa in his early twenties as a Bahá'í pioneer, and he and his family have been serving in development initiatives in various countries for more than 25 years. They created the Anderson Association in Rwanda, an incorporated not for profit humanitarian organization working on projects in health, education and moral leadership. The Joan Anderson Memorial Dispensary in Gatenga offers medical services to more than 5,000 patients a year. The organization has also opened a public library free of charge to all in temporary space beside the dispensary while the permanent library building is under construction. Plans are also underway to build a school that will serve up to ??? children and youth. We are living in an extraordinary era in human affairs as our lives are being transformed rapidly,” says Chris. We can all contribute to a united global village. I look forward to sharing some humble examples of how this has worked in Rwanda after the 1994 Genocide.”
February 11, 2022, 7:30pm EST
The History of the Bahá'í Faith in the Canadian North: Under One Tent” with Leslie Cole Bahá'ís have been in the Canadian North since the 1950s and their history runs parallel to the introduction of government services and the rise of Indigenous self-determination in the late 1950s and 1960s. Although some Bahá'í travellers visited the North in the early 1900s, Bahá'í pioneers began to move to Northern communities in the Yukon and Northwest Territories in response to a global teaching plan set out by the Guardian of the Faith, Shoghi Effendi, starting in 1953. Leslie Cole has been researching the lives of those early pioneers and the early Indigenous believers who became important national teachers of the Faith. In a forthcoming book, she hopes to show how cultural and geographical factors influenced who accepted the Bahá'í Faith and when and to tell the stories of those early pioneers and long-time believers in Northern Canada.
January 28, 2022, 7:30pm EST
"Treasures from the Archives" with Heather Harvey The Ottawa Bahá'í Community has been one of the most active in Canada since its inception in the early 1940s and is currently considered one of the leading Bahá'í communities in North America. We are fortunate that the community has carefully preserved its rich history and learning from the beginning. In this presentation, Heather Harvey will show us some of the items archived during the first 25 years and share some of the interesting stories that surround them. Items will include the official photo of the first Spiritual Assembly in 1948, the articles of incorporation (letters patent) from 1957; pages from the scrapbook of newspaper articles and advertisements from the 1950s, photos from the ‘co-operative houses on Fentiman and Waverly Streets, event programs and more. communities in North America. We are fortunate that the community has carefully preserved its rich history and learning from the beginning. In this presentation, Heather Harvey will show us some of the items archived during the first 25 years and share some of the interesting stories that surround them. Items will include the official photo of the first Spiritual Assembly in 1948, the articles of incorporation (letters patent) from 1957; pages from the scrapbook of newspaper articles and advertisements from the 1950s, photos from the ‘co-operative houses on Fentiman and Waverly Streets, event programs and more.
January 16, 2022, 3:00pm EST
Where can we find the hope to build the future we need?" with Daniel Truran Daniel invites us to explore four words in his title: 1. HOPE. How can we deal with uncertainty, lack of truth and trust, and the global challenges we face, that seem to have left us only a glimmer of hope. So how can we find hope with so much hopelessness around us? 2. POSSIBLE FUTURES. What are the possible future scenarios that are emerging? 3. BUILDING THE FUTURE. How can we not just sit and observe but become active contributors to building the future? 4. WHAT FUTURE DO WE NEED? What future do we really need? What is the most beneficial future for us, for our institutions and for society?
December 3, 2021, 7:30 pm
Justice, Unity, and the Path to World Order: Reflections on the United Nations, the Bahá'í International Community, and Human Rights with Michael Sabet In recognition of International Human Rights Day, this presentation will first explore the origins, development, and historical significance of the United Nations, with a focus on the participation of the Bahá'í International Community, drawing on Julia Berger's recent work, Rethinking Religion and Politics in a Plural World: the Bahá'í International Community and the United Nations. This will ground an exploration of the international human rights framework from a Bahá'í perspective, focusing on the strengths and limitations of the framework's substantive and procedural aspects, and how Bahá'u'lláh's vision for the progress of human civilization might help guide future developments.
November 12, 2021, 7:30 pm
Moving Towards One World: Stories from Near and Far with Cynthia Farrell Cynthias presentation will focus on how humanity is moving more and more towards one world and how this goal is being pursued both inside the Bahá'í Community and in the world at large. She will draw on experiences within current international movements, and share stories that have occurred closer to home and in the most remote places in the world.
October 29, 2021, 7:30 pm
"Why me?" with Justice St. Rain When something bad happens to us, it is only natural to wonder why. Did I do something wrong? Is God punishing me? What did I do to deserve this? This presentation will help you understand the difference between punishment and guidance. Understanding this difference can help you overcome difficulties with more confidence, help you trust Gods plan for you, and show how the choices you make now can make future tests less severe. The book, Why Me? A Spiritual Guide to Growing through Tests, has been used by therapists, in book clubs and even in prisons to help people feel better about themselves and deepen their faith in a loving God. It has been a best-seller at the Ottawa Bahá'í Bookstore.
October 15, 2021, 7:30 pm
Learning from ‘Abdul-Bahá in a Society Characterized by Ageism with Dr. Deborah van den Hoonaard Bahá'ís the world over see ‘Abdul-Bahá, the son of the founder for the Bahá'í Faith (1844-1921) as the Exemplar of how we should live. After being in prison and exile for over 55 years, He undertook travels to the West and spoke in hundreds of venues and with thousands of people. However, we dont often think about, ‘Abdul-Bahá after His release from prison, as an old man. This presentation explores how ‘Abdul-Bahás example informs our own lives given the prevalence of ageism in Western society.
October 1, 2021, 7:30 pm
TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION with Louise Profeit-Leblanc Tse Dἄna” - Beaver Woman Without knowing and accepting the truth, and the real history of Canada, we will never be able to attain true and sincere reconciliation between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples of this country. Since the formation of the TRC in Canada in 2008, the population of Canada has heard the truth from 7,000 testimonies of Indigenous residential school survivors, their stories of the terrible treatment at these facilities. After having being abducted by force, taken away from their parents and their homelands, 150,000 children were forcibly taken under police authorization to a place where they were forbidden to speak their language, sing their songs or practice their ancient cultural and spiritual beliefs. The Prime Minister of the day, 1867- 1891, John A MacDonald was quoted as saying, Take the Indian out of the child”. He was the architect of the Indian Act, which launched the government of Canada on an ever increasing and repressive series of Acts and policies directed towards the assimilation of the original inhabitants of this land. Fast forward to 2016 when the final report from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission underwent a vast country-wide investigation to hear from Indigenous peoples who had experienced this atrocity. This resulted in 94 recommendations in the following categories: 1) Child welfare 2) Education 3) Language and culture 4) Health and 5) Justice. Each of these Calls to Action” is a perfect jumping off point for the larger community, including the Bahá'í community, to embrace. It is then and only then that we can realize and see the fruition of ‘Abdul-Bahás quotation below, and what better way to commemorate the centenary of His passing than for each one of us to establish a goal and commitment to respond to one or several of these calls to action during this year. The Ancient Beauty hath in His sacred Tablets explicitly written that the day of their abasement is over. His bounty will overshadow them and this race will day by day progress and be delivered from its agelong obscurity and degradation.” — Abdul-Bahá
September 3, 2021, 7:30 pm
‘Abdul-Bahá in Canada With Bobbi Lyons Please join us for a special Big Ideas” presentation to mark the 109th anniversary of ‘Abdul-Bahás nine day visit to Canada. We look forward to increasing our knowledge of this historic visit and to gain inspiration from it.
June 18, 2021, 7:30 pm
The Wisdom of Crowds: Collective Decision-making in an Uncertain World With Jennifer Phillips Former New Yorker business columnist James Surowieckis deeply-researched and fascinating book, ‘The Wisdom of Crowds explores how groups of people who meet certain conditions can be better at solving problems, coming up with new solutions, making more effective and successful decisions, and predicting the future, than even trained experts. Surowiecki offers us many case studies from diverse disciplines such as psychology, behavioural economics, military history and politics to illustrate the veracity of his theory. This is a theory that has stood up well over the 17 years since the book was first published. This talk will outline Surowieckis key criteria and alert us to the important factors to avoid in large and small group decision-making, using examples from the Bahá'í community to illustrate how Bahá'í processes have moved participants even further along the path of wise group decision-making.
May 21, 2021, 7:30 pm
The Covid 19 Global Pandemic:Impact on Mental Health With Dr. Louis Soucy, BSc, MD, FRCP(c), Dip. ABSM. Coronavirus and Covid 19 are not just physical diseases. There are also implications for mental health and spiritual growth.
May 7, 2021, 7:30 pm
A Serendipitous Journey Through Canadian Bahá'í History with Will C. van den Hoonaard Dr. Will van den Hoonard is the author, among many books, of Origins of the Bahá'í Community of Canada 1898-1944. Says Will: Doing research on Canadian Bahá'í history yielded many serendipitous treasures of research. My journey revealed surprising findings about the social characteristics of Bahá'í Community. It is no surprise that chaos attended that phase of Bahá'í history. A study of the visit of ‘Abdul-Bahá to Canada in1912 demonstrated the spiritually deep connection of the Montreal family of May Maxwell which paved the way for establishing the Bahá'í community on a secure footing. The early historical phase includes in-depth involvement of individual Bahá'ís with the Group of Seven painters, suffragettes, politicians, and Louis Riel. Joseph Frost (a cousin of the poet Robert Frost) also seems to have been familiar with Canadas earliest Bahá'ís.
March 26, 2021, 7:30 pm
Truth and Propaganda in a Polarized Society with Geoff Cameron Our thoughts about the world are influenced by the media we consume. We read books, newspapers and magazines, listen to radio and podcasts, and watch television and movies. These aspects of our culture shape our understanding of society, and they lead us to adopt perspectives on the issues of the day. But how do we distinguish between truth and propaganda, between fact and opinion? What insights from religion can help us to become more wise and judicious thinkers? Furthermore, what implications does this have for how we engage with the discourses of society in conversation with others and on social media platforms? How can we become more effective participants in the public conversation? In this talk, Geoff will reflect on some of the ways in which culture shapes thought, and how the rise of new technologies has accelerated polarization in society. Then he will examine how a number of concepts and principles from religion drawing primarily from the Bahá'í Faith can help us to develop habits of thought that allow us to distinguish truth from propaganda, and to make constructive contributions to the discourses of society.
March 12, 2021, 7:30 pm
Justice for Genocide: Reflectionson Human Rights and the World Court By Dr. Payam Akhavan In the shadow of the Holocaust, the UN adopted the 1948 Genocide Convention and Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Yet, despite the vows of "never again" we have wit-nessed time and again crimes against humanity and genocide committed by powerful leaders with impunity. What accounts for the gap between the lofty ideals of international law and the weak means for its enforcement? What is the role of international courts and tribunals in bringing perpe-trators to justice? Does speaking truth to power make a difference in global politics? Is mass-murder an inevitable expression of human nature or is it because of politicalstrategies that can be predicted and prevented? What does the current stage of our historical evolution say about the future and the choices that we must make to embrace the oneness of humankind? These questions will be explored by a former UN prosecutor with 30 years of experience in con-flicts around the world.
March 5, 2021, 7:30 pm
Making Good Things Happen: Environmental Action at the Grass Roots With Bill Kelly Bills presentation will inspire others to be active contributors towards justice and the progress of humanity. It will draw on his unique perspective and substantial experience in working, sometimes successfully, towards making good things happen. Bill is working with the Ottawa Cluster Environment Group for this presentation. He will show how the group is working to encourage sustainable practices and participation in bringing about the change necessary to begin healing our planet. How do we go about the greatest project of learning we have ever undertaken?
February 26, 2021, 7:30 pm
THE SPIRIT (still) LIVES: A Resurgence of the Human Spirit” with Louise Profeit-Leblanc Tse Dἄna” - Beaver Woman Louise will share thoughts on what it is like to be an Indigenous Bahái, the people made mention of by 'Abdul- Bahá in the Tablets of the Divine Plan. As a traditional storyteller, Louise will tell stories on this subject and weave the experiences of Indigenous Peoples in Canadian history into her presentation. She is looking forward to demonstrating how we are all part of the Big Idea” which 'Abdul-Bahá presented to us.
February 12, 2021, 7:30 pm
Keeping Your Marriage and Family Together in an Unhealthy World with Susanne Alexander Relationship and Marriage Educator Powerful forces are attacking the integrity and health of individuals, marriages, and families, often causing them to fight for survival. A couple and family can learn how to unite and powerfully protect themselves when negative forces in the world intrude or when problems arise. Couples can strive to create happy marriages that promote well-being for themselves and provide the foundation for the family. Turning to God and spiritual teachings for inspiration and guidance as challenges in life arise strengthens the couple and family connection, happiness, and health. Marriage and family life are stronger when character virtues such as respect, kindness, truthfulness, and compassion infuse everyones words and actions. Couple and family well-being can include such aspects as exercise, friendship, social activities, communication, appreciation, and laughter. When family members strive to be of service to each other and outward to others, they contribute to creating healthier communities.
January 22, 2021, 7:30 pm
East is East, and West is West*: Educations Where They Meet! with Jay Howden *Not to forget the global South and North and their roads to reconciliation! This presentation offers one school teachers view of the astounding enterprise that EDUCATION genuinely *is*. After decades in Canadian schools, Jay worked with Chinese university students to improve their English and their understanding of Western Culture”, broadly understood. The strengths and weaknesses of educational systems, East and West, will start us pondering the nature and practice of education. What do we think were doing: in our own lifes learning, in our communities and schools, and as a global population seeking what it means to be a planetary family? This is Education, writ LARGE. The teachings of Bahá'u'lláh and ‘Abdul-Bahá deliver an awesome vision and practical guidelines. How do we go about the greatest project of learning we have ever undertaken?
December 18, 2020, 7:30 pm
The Creative Process—a Tool for Individual and Collective Transformation with Anne Perry Where do creativity and inspiration come from? What happens when we actualize our talents, harness our imaginations, and share with others the fruits of our creativity? How will cultivating our interest in and love for the arts contribute to changes in society and our own engagement with public discourse? What can we learn about resilience, transformation, and adaptation as we look at arts created during the pandemic? How can we restore a sense of reverence in the world through the arts? These questions and others will be addressed in this talk, with attention to the Bahá'í perspective on the importance of the role of the arts, both in the present and the future. "It is certain that with the spread of the spirit of Bahá'u'lláh a new era will dawn in art and literature. Whereas before the form was perfect but the spirit was lacking, now there will be a glorious spirit embodied in a form immeasurably improved by the quickened genius of the world.” (Shoghi Effendi, 3 April 1932, to an individual)
December 4, 2020, 7:30 pm
How can 8 Billion People Govern Themselves Better?” with Maury Miloff Humanity has experimented with many different systems of governance essentially, how a society manages itself. Even the simplest groups have a collective vision of what is right and good, and norms, rules and processes which purport to protect and guide. However, to date, all major governance systems have been found wanting. Even advanced democracies are affected by low voting participation, declining trust in politicians and institutions, polarization, inequality and racism. The Bahá'í teachings on governance constitute a unique paradigm. This presentation will explore how the Bahá'í model, systematically being put into practice around the world, holds great promise for improved governance from the grassroots up to the global level.
Friday, November 20, 2020, 7:30 pm Why History Matters: Reflections on the 20th Century as a Turning Point with Jóhanna Jochumsdottir The twentieth century has been characterized by historians as the ‘age of extremes, a time of unprecedented turbulence that left ‘a catalogue of horrors unknown to even the darkest of ages past. But simultaneous with warfare, famine and the breakdown of political, economic and social institutions across the globe, new opportunities arose. Other spaces and ways of being opened up to whole peoples and populations previously enslaved, colonized and deprived of their autonomy. This presentation will look at the destruction and ruin of the twentieth century and propose that the revolutionary changes that took place also made the idea of the unification of humanity a realistic possibility. From this vantage point we can see the twentieth century not only as a period of destruction, but also as a ‘century of light. Finally, we will briefly reflect on how the Bahá'í community, during this century, has evolved from a small, scattered, and unknown group to a worldwide community a community which is applying the vision of the oneness of humanity as it works to bring change to all levels of local and national communities, and at the highest levels of global governance.
November 6, 2020, 7:30 pm
The Bahá'í Perspective on the Role of Women in Peacebuilding, Cheshmak Farhoumand-Sims Despite growing international recognition of womens effectiveness at promoting peace and increasing awareness of the disproportionate impact conflict has on women and girls, female representation in peace and security processes has lagged. Yet when women are at the negotiating table, peace is 35% more likely to last at least 15 years. 'Abdul-Baha discussed the important role women play in the prevention and resolution of violent conflict almost 100 years before the UNSC adopted Resolution 1325, and the Universal House of Justice reiterated this fundamental belief: The emancipation of women, the achievement of full equality between the sexes, is one of the most important, though less acknowl-edged prerequisites of peace. The denial of [womens] equality perpetrates an injustice against one half of the worlds population Only as women are welcomed into full partnership in all fields of human endeavour will the moral and psychological climate be created in which international peace can emerge. This presentation explores the Bahá'í writings on the role of women in peacebuilding by reflecting on the Women, Peace and Security agenda, as well as evidence from conflict affected contexts.
October 16, 2020, 7:30 pm
Income Inequality and its Effects on Society, Paul Touesnard In recent times the world has become more aware of the increasing concentra-tion of wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer individuals. The current pandemic, it seems, has only made matters worse. One of the fundamental principles of the Bahá'í Faith is the elimination of extremes of wealth and poverty. In this presentation, Paul will explore what some of the Writings of the Faith say about how this can be accomplished.
October 2, 2020, 7:30 pm
Creating a Refuge from Racism Carol Mansour explores this issue on a regular basis with Bahá'ís from throughout North America and around the world. She is especially drawn to discourses connecting the Writings and guidance of the Bahá'í Faith with current social movements aimed at eliminating anti-Blackness. She has been spurred into action after reflecting on the admonition in The Advent of Divine Justice "to consider it a primary obligation to nurture, encourage and safe-guard" minorities, and by coming to a fuller understanding of Bahá'u'lláh's metaphor comparing people of African descent to the pupil of the eye, necessary for spiritual sight. Carol challenges the Bahá'í community to examine its assumptions about itself. Does it reflect the diversity of the wider society? Do racial minorities feel warmly welcomed? Are they valued for more than photo ops? What do we need to stop doing, start doing or continue doing to transform into refuges from racial prejudice?
11 September 2020, 7:30 pm
'Abdul-Bahá: The Master of Social Action and Public Discourse Among His many areas of service to humanity, 'Abdul-Bahá initiated remarkable social and economic projects that even today would be at the forefront of agriculture and community development initiatives. Similarly, His public discourse, which occurred 100 years ago, remains transformational in its content on innumerable topics still at the forefront of contemporary discourse. In all things, He is our Exemplar. This presentation features a number of his accomplishments in these areas, focusing particularly on ‘Adasiyyah, the model agricultural village established by the Master in the early 20th century.
Friday, 21 August 2020, 7:30 pm Towards a New World Order: Governance Issues with Andy Tamas The worlds equilibrium hath been upset through the vibrating influence of this most great, this new World Order….” - Bahaullah Two objectives of the Bahá'í revelation are the recognition of the one-ness of humanity and the establishment of a New World Order. These have major implications for governance, from individual, interpersonal and community to global levels. Bahaullah proclaimed His mission to the kings and rulers of His time, calling on them to establish the Most Great Peace. Their rejection of His call has set humanity on a rocky road towards the Lesser Peace. In this presentation, Andy Tamas explores how patterns of governance (order) have changed in the last century, the various stages in the inter-national movement towards world peace, and the major challenges and lessons learned from the establishment of the United Nations and the European Union. What will drive world leaders to recognize the imperative necessity” described by Bahaullah? How will the Bahá'ís fulfill their task of breathing life into the political unification of mankind? Please join us for a series of talks addressing some of humanitys shared challenges and opportunities as we work to advance an emerging global civilization. This series brings together perspectives from the Bahá'í writings, current research, experience, and contemporary discourses on key issues of our time.
7 August 2020, 7:30 pm
Decolonization and Anti-Racism: A View of Creating Change by Danielle Ewenin This presentation will provide an overview of Decolonization and Anti-Racism, but with a view that there may at first glance be two sides. A closer look shows learning and development provides that growth of individual, community and nation is required for a just society. One does not wake up one morning in a just society, but via human development and growth change occurs, and it must occur at the level of the individual, family, community, and nation. Please join us for a series of talks addressing some of humanitys shared challenges and opportunities as we work to advance an emerging global civilization. This series brings together perspectives from the Bahá'í writings, current research, experience, and contemporary discourses on key issues of our time.
July 17, 2020 7:30 pm
Where Spiritual Teachings, Collective Learning and Community Building Align Several key concepts and guiding principles are emerging in development discourse and practice that are shaping its methods and approaches, universally. And not surprisingly, many of these elements are entirely consistent with the experience and teachings of the Bahá'í Community. This presentation will reflect on some lessons learned from an independent research activity with eleven grantees of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, exploring from their perspective what contributes to positive and sustained change at the individual and community level. The presentation will then contrast this experience with some insights generated from participating in the capacity and community building programs of the Ruhi Institute.
July 3, 2020 7:30pm
The Spirit of Agriculture Paul Hanley will discuss how spiritual principles and practices can be applied to food systems to ensure that they are equitable, just, healthy and sustainable.
June 19, 2020 7:30pm
How to Make the World Work For 11 Billion People Eleven billion people will share this planet by centurys end. Adding 3 billion to an already overburdened world will admit force everyone to change everything. Only an ethical revolution will allow us to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization. This evenings talk, based on Pauls book ELEVEN, proposes a transformational model that will help individuals, institutions and communities make an 11 billion world work for everyone and the planet. Read about this talk here.
February 21st, 2020 7:30pm
The Bahá'í Faith and Human Rights The idea of universal human rights may seem timeless, but international agreement on rights did not exist before 1948. Over a century ago, however, Bahá'u'lláh articulated a global vision of the equal dignity and rights for all. This presentation will explore the Bahá'í teachings on human rights and Bahá'í community engagement on this issue dating back to the drafting process of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
January 24th, 2020 7:30pm
Environmental crisis; Climate Emergency: Looking for Answers in the Bahá'í Revelation The Bahá'í teachings point to revolutionary change in how the world is organized. Climate change experts and activists insist radical changes are needed in our economic and political structures and our way of life as Naomi Klein suggests, the climate emergency changes everything”. How does Baha'u'llah's prescription for a future global civilization correspond to the challenges of today and can it set in place the fundamental changes needed? Read about this talk here.
The views and opinions expressed in this series of presentations are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of the Ottawa Bahá'í community and/or its institutions. |