
Big Ideas is a series of talks addressing some of humanity’s shared challenges and opportunities as we work to advance an emerging global civilization. This series brings together perspectives from the Baha'i writings with current research and experience as well as contemporary discourses on key issues of our time.
Friday, June 14, 2024, 7:30 EDT

Experience, Knowledge and Reality with Gerald Filson  

In this presentation, Dr. Filson presents three main ideas. First, how we experience the world, by way of emotion and imagination, which is often very different than how we know the world in its relationship to causes and reason. This is a way to understand religion as complementary to science. As Frank Myhill, a mathematician, noted, “there is no non-poetical description of reality,” as the Revelation, full as it is of metaphors, is how we understand our experiences in life.

( We recommend watching in full screen mode. )

The views and opinions expressed in this series of presentations are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of the Ottawa Bahá'í community and/or its institutions.

© The Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Ottawa, Canada