
Big Ideas is a series of talks addressing some of humanity’s shared challenges and opportunities as we work to advance an emerging global civilization. This series brings together perspectives from the Baha'i writings with current research and experience as well as contemporary discourses on key issues of our time.
Friday, Oct. 4 2024, 7:30 EDT

Transforming Food Systems: From Ideas to Action with Paul Hanley 

Food systems are a central concern in contemporary discourse on environmental issues, climate, Indigenous sovereignty, and economic justice. In 2019, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization identified a set of principles and best practices to achieve just and sustainable food and agricultural systems. Remarkably, all these practices had been put in place over 100 years ago in the Bahá'í village of 'Adasíyyih, which became a model farming community in Jordan. This presentation will show how discourse and social action inaugurated by the Báb, Bahá'u'lláh, and 'Abdu'l-Bahá guided individuals, communities, and institutions in several countries to make pioneering contributions to regenerative agriculture and progressive rural development.

( We recommend watching in full screen mode. )

The views and opinions expressed in this series of presentations are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of the Ottawa Bahá'í community and/or its institutions.

© The Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Ottawa, Canada