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July 17 2012

Canada Day Celebration at the Ottawa Baha’i Centre

OTTAWA - On the afternoon of Canada Day, just a few kilometres east of Parliament in the neighbourhood of Vanier, the Ottawa Baha’i community organized a free outdoor concert featuring the Tine Rufaro Marimba Band and some musical guests.

A number of people who live in the neighbourhood, and some who were just walking by, joined local Baha’is to listen, clap and move with the music. There was a shady area with potluck snacks and cool lemonade which was also very popular. As well as the marimba band, Pierre Austin got everyone clapping with his accordion, and the audience gathered close to hear Stephen Thirwall play his guitar.

A very special group who started off the concert was the junior marimba band associated with the Tine Rufaro Band. It was great to see the Baha’i Centre used in this way, with the bands playing on the patio under the grape arbour and young and old sitting and standing in the East parking lot enjoying the music.

Hope that we can do this again next year!

Canada Day CelebrationCanada Day Celebration

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